Hi All
Long time since my last update mainly down to studying for the vCAP-DCA exam. I am afraid the news from the exam is not good. I arrived at my test centre in London and went over all the normal stuff. I sat down and then started the exam.
For obvious reasons I have to watch what i put on here.
The exam started and i set to work. as detailed by many others the exam is a Live Lab, but the problem I had was with the connection to the LAB. It was soo slow and unresponsive and made the exam very tiresome and frustrating. I got about 3/4 into the exam and then ran out of time. I suspect that will result in me having to retake the exam and i am defo not paying for the retake at £300.
I found no questions difficult and if I was unsure VMware do give you all the documentation for all the product sets you are looking at, so I tried to look up a few items that I was unsure about, but due to the problems with the slow LAB I couldn't read the documentation.
I have complained about the LAB and it seems I am not the only one taking it outside the USA who has had this problem.
Going back to the preparation for the exam I found the following sites very helpful in assisting me with preparing for the exam
vFAIL.NET - Brilliant site and the summary of each section is good- However I would always try and look more in depth at each section. Do a quick Google or look for the VMware paper.
KendrickColeman - Is one better then the above and provides a download section containing all the PDFs and web2PDF's that you will need to help you master the section.
Over all I would like to thank both the above, but also have to stress you have to know how to use the more advanced features in a day to day install. Just reading here on how to use the Powershell cmdlets or the vMA is not enough as you will be asked questions that will prove if you know how to use the features.
I am going to chase VMware to see whats happening with my complaint. fingers crossed it is positive.